Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Do Declare, How Dare You?!

Another picture from last week. It goes with the post title.
I've had it! I am so ticked off at everything wanting to lose weight. There are so many pressures in this culture. Every where you turn, there's "diet tricks" and crap. I hate all this "obese awareness" more than anything. I think somebody knows if they're overweight, so don't try to make them feel worse than they are. That pressures you to turn to Ed. A lot of the obese awareness is directed to kids nowadays more than anything. I think know kids already have bad self-esteem. Ugh! When they say "obese," they're obviously not realizing that kids don't understand what obese is (because of the bad self-esteem), they think that whatever obese is, they're it (I would know). That's why there's so many Ed victims. Did all those weight-loss activists realize that there's a much higher risk dying losing weight than gaining? Yes, I realize there's more to anorexia than losing weight, but that is how it starts (for me, at least). I wish I could raise more awareness on Ana and other eating disorders. And not show the supper-skinny ones that are half the weight they're supposed to be (for me, that actually encouraged me; they were my thinspiration). I would like to show the ones that most may not even expect have a eating problem. There are so many of them in this world, and no one even knows it. I want to reach out to those people and give them a hug. They need it. If you are victim, please know that I would love to talk, if you need it. I really care! I am going to add a contacts page soon, so anybody with this problem (or just wanna say hi), can write to me personally.

Now for another vent...
Ana has been hitting me harder than ever (since I have been in recovery, that is). I am automatically thinking, if I skip this, I can eat this. I was trying to eat at least 1,200 calories each day (the bare minimum, as my doctor says), now I am back down to about half of that. Not to mention I am exercising a lot more, too. So I have the net calories of less than 200. Way better than before I started, but not even close to good for my recovery plan. I am mad that I am just allowing it! I really have been thinking of counseling. It scares me, because I never believed in therapy and all that, but I am willing to be brave about it and see how it is. Maybe it will help a little.

Done with the venting. Sorry about that! So did you ever do what I told you? You know, look in the mirror, show your abs, and tell yourself you look great. You better have! If not, then do it now. And guess what? I have another dare! Go up to your close friend or a family member (that isn't judgmental), show off your abs, and say, "Feel my tough abs. Super strong!" It's fun; I do it myself all the time. Matter of fact, I even drew a Chester cat (with a tongue sticking out, and I used my belly button as the nose) on my abs, and showed them off the whole night. I like to dare myself to do stuff that scares me, and I encourage you to do so as well. Doesn't matter what others think. Do it for yourself. And have fun!
By the way, we have a new page, Meal Plans. The meal plan I wrote in it is from the last post. And like I said, I am working on a Contacts page as well.

Have a good day, Beauts! :)


  1. don't change how much you eat, change what you eat! instead of skipping breakfast, have a banana and a granola bar or a low fat yogurt with fruit! you'll look better and feel better! just make smarter choices when buying food..:)

  2. If only that were easy. I am so emotionally attached to this still. D:

  3. This is a beautiful post. Its very admirable that you want to reach out to others. I am the same way when it comes to my "issue" which is a whole nother' story. lol But, you are clearly a strong person. Helping others who are going through the same thing as you seems to be important to you, thats amazing. Remember to stay strong for that reason (and reasons for your own health and well being too) but try to let helping others be your motivation for helping yourself. :)

    I love that you are speaking out against this. It is a true problem in many lives today and so many people choose to ignore it and many don't want to understand. They say "just quit doing it." But you and I know that it hardly happens that way. I wish you the very best in your journey and I hope you soon become the one in control of you. I know this thing has a lot to do with control. That is how things happened with my issues. Control.

    Well, good-bye for now. :)

    Warmest wishes,

  4. Thank you so much Kendra! Yes, I am learning to not be so hard-headed and get help from others, so counseling I will try at least. And yes, I want to be supportive to the others around me as well.

    Didn't you just speak the truth! Everyone thinks it's really easy just to start eating again, but that's because they don't that is an emotional problem as well. Which is another thing I want to let people become more aware of; what it REALLY is. Most people think that it's that they only wanna get skinny, which is only a small part of it. There's more deeper issues to it. I think I will write a whole post on what Ana is rather than what people think. It has become stereotyped into something that isn't.

    Thank you for your support, Kendra!

    Felicity :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your so beautiful!!! love the post too! It's very bold, informative and inspiring. Yeah, I studied anorexia way back in college. I just didn't realize its extent til' I've read your own experience of it. Well I guess, a lot of support group will help you to overcome what you're experiencing right now and keep on posting such thing because your stories will make such a good impact for today's generation. Keep it up!

  7. Why thank you so very much! You really have no idea how nice it is to hear this!! I am glad I am also helping you to understand what it is about. Make sure you read my upcoming blog post. It will be about just that; what Ana really is. Thanks again and I appreciate your support. :)

  8. Beautiful post...and beautiful blog!
    I will be reading your posts from now -
    I'm following!

    Please follow me back!!!

  9. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
    I enjoy your blog as well, so I am now following it. :)

  10. also i'm looking for anorexic bloggers. i will pay up to $1,000 for a good story about your health reactions to anorexia. Maybe even a whole lot more. Plus I'll pay a whole lot more than that for people who will blog for me. i'm basically somebody who cares about people who are suffering whether physically, emotionally, peer presure, teenage woes, relationship, whatever hurts, i feel the pain. I would shutup but nobody else is standing up. so i did the work, suffering, sacrifice and found how to give the suffering the vindication and rewards they deserve for what they've accomplished. everybody wants to say you're a victim, that you need to change, and learn your lesson, and come to your senses, and see that you're wrong. why give them that satisfaction? you know that you're right, except that in the end there are sometimes physical side affets. i've eliminated those, now you can be healthier than all the so-called normal people thanks to science the corporations and medical world have hidden from everybody because they don't want anybody to be healthy. and it totally favors anorexics lol. the Lord works in mysterious ways. He always picks those who are the most downtrodden and despised and the ones that nobody believes or listens to. now is your chance to fulfill your destiny and help others do the same! I'm Ben Waldon, send my an email! I love to chat and meet new friends who care about their health and other people's health -Ben :o)

  11. I like your blog premise.

    I think most women suffer from some form of anorexia or another, so thank you for relating your experiences!

    I am a follower.

    - Lauren

    Ladaisi Blog
